Trifectas and Clear Agendas!

Okay, so first of all let’s cut to the chase- my planner is blank for next week. Blank. Void of commitments, deadlines, extra-curriculars, meetings, appointments, errands, reminders, and tasks. There’s nothing in it… and quite frankly, my brain is rattling. Continue reading

Painting Yourself Into a Corner: ADHD’s Persistence

This weekend, with the encouragement of a dear friend, I began to tackle the back hallway. Most of the house has damaged wood floors, but the back hallway was especially bad. The wood was so scuffed, scratched, and gouged that any liquid would absorb into the wood and cement all the little dirt particles stuck in the crevices. I live in Canada, so in the winter a nice cocktail of road salt and melting snow from our boots would seep into that porous wood, while my brain simultaneously leached grungy feelings of homeowner incompetence into my self-esteem. Continue reading

White Wine, Comics, and Haunting Melodies

This week was stupid.

WAIT. Before you read this, put THIS SONG on for dramatic effect. Crank it a bit too. I have it at 62% volume and the bass is making the snares of my drum inuksuk buzz.

Okay, assuming you’ve done your homework, let’s resume. This week was stupid. Continue reading